Friday, 15 July 2016

Some previous year questions from Ch- 6 .. Molecular basis of inheritance

Some previous year questions from Molecular basis of inheritance..
Structure of DNA
Q. Name the components a and b in the nucleotide given below:                             D2008     1
Q. Draw a labelled diagram of a nucleosome. Where is it found in a cell?   F2014       2/3
Q. Draw a neat labeled diagram of a nucleosome Mention what enables histones to acquire a positive 
    charge.      A2012, D2011     2/3
Q. Draw a schematic representation of dinucleotide. Label the following:
            a)the components of a nucleotide           b)5’end 
           c) N-glycosidic linkage                                d) Phosphodiester linkage.  F2010      2/3
Q. Draw a schematic diagram of a part of double stranded dinucleotide DNA chain having all the four 
   nitrogenous bases and showing the correct polarity.   D2012    2/3
Q.  Describe the structure of a RNA polynucleotide chain having 4 different types of nucleotides. D2013 2/3
Q. Explain the two factors responsible for conferring stability to double helix structure of DNA. A2014 2
    It is established that RNA is the first genetic material. Explain giving three reasons.    D2012
Q. The base sequence in one of the strands of DNA is TAGCATGAT.
Q, Give the base sequence of its complementary strand
Q. How are these base pairs held together in a DNA molecule?
Q. Explain the base complementarity rules. Name the scientist who framed this rule.    D 2011    3

Q. Why is DNA considered a better hereditary material than RNA? F 2012, A2008
Q. DNA----------—>DNA-------------àmRNA-------àProtein
Look at the above sequence and mention the events A , B and C.
Q. What does central dogma state in molecular biology? How does it differ in some viruses?    D 2009c   2/3
Q. State any two structural differences and one functional differenc between DNA and RNA    F2002
Q Describe  Griffith’s experiment on Streptococcus pneumonia. Discuss the conclusion he arrived at.    
 Q Describe the experiment with Streptococcus pneumonia that demonstrated the existence of some  
    transforming principle.   A2012, F 2013       3
Q Write the scientific name of the bacterium used by Friedrick Griffith in his experiment.
    How did he prove that some transforming principle is responsible for transformation of the non 
      virulent strains of bacteria into the virulent form?
   State the biological nature of transforming principle.
   Name the scientists who proved it.       F2011 (5)

Q.Explain the role of S35 and P32 in the experiments conducted by Hershey and Chase.     D 2009C   2/3
Q. Name the scientists who proved experimentally that  DNA is the genetic material.  Describe their experiment. F2013 , D2012   3/5
Q. Describe Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase experiment. Write the conclusion they arrived at after the experiment. A2014, F2012,D2008, D2009,A2009     5
Q. How did Hershey and Chase differentiate between DNA and protein in their experiment while proving that DNA is the genetic material?    NCERT 
DNA replication
Q.Describe the experiment that demonstrated the semi- conservative mode of DNA replication.F2013   2/3
Q.Describe Meselson and Stahl ‘s experiment and write the conclusion they arrived at. F2014, D2012
Q.Who proposed that DNA replication is semi conservative? How was it experimentally proved by Meselson and Stahl? D2009c
Q. What is semi conservative DNA replication? How was it experimentally proved and by whom? A2008,D2002,F2002
Q. Answer the following questions based on Meselson and Stahl’s experiment:
Write the nameof the chemical substance used as a source of nitrogen in the experiment by them.
Why did the scientists synthesize the light and the heavy DNA molecule in the organism used in the experiment?
How did the scientists make it possible to distinguish the heavy DNA molecule from light DNA molecule? Explain.
Write the conclusion the scientists arrived at after completing the experiment.   A 2011 5

Q. State the dual role of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates during DNA replication. F 2013  2/3

Q. Draw a labeled schematic sketch of replication fork of DNA. Explain the role of the enzymes involved in DNA replication.    D 2009  2/3
Q.Explain the process of DNA replication that occurs in a replication fork in E.coli.            3  A2013
Why do you see two different types of replicating strands in the given DNA replication fork? Explain. Name these strands. D2011
Name the types of synthesis a and b occurring in the replication fork of DNA shown below:  D2008
Describe the discontinuous synthesis of DNA   D2003  2/3
Name the enzyme involved in the continuous replication of DNA strand. Mention the polarity of the template strand. A2010
Name the enzyme and state its property that is responsible for continuous and discontinuous replication of the two strands of a DNA molecule. D2013
Name the parts A and B of the transcription unit given below:    D2008
Draw a labeled schematic diagram of a transcription unit. Explain the function of each component in the unit in the process of transcription.  F 2012   2/3 , A2008  5
Draw a schematic representation of the structure of a transcription unit and show the following in it:
i.Direction in which the transcription occurs       ii. Polarity of two strands
iii.Template strand                                             iv. Terminator gene
Mention the function of promoter gene in transcription.    A2009    
Construct a complete transcription unit with promoter and terminator on the basis of the hypothetical template strand given below. 
Write the RNA strand transcribed from the above transcription unit alongwith its polarity.  D2012
Q.Given below is a part of the template strand of a structural gene: TAT CAT TAG GAT
Write its transcribed mRNA strand with its polarity.
Explain the mechanism involved in initiation of transcription of this strand. D2008

Explain the process of transcription in a bacterium. F 2012
Describe the initiation/ elongation/ termination process of transcription in bacteria.   D2010   2/3
Explain the role of RNA polymerase in transcription in bacteria.      F2013.   2/3
Describe  role of RNA polymerase in transcription in bacteria (steps)and in eukaryotes(types).F2008  4+
Name the enzyme responsible for transcription of hn RNA/ tRNA .D2012,A2011   +
Explain the role of DNA dependent RNA polymerase in initiation, elongation and termination during transcription in bacterial cell. How is transcription a more complex process in eukaryotic cells? Explain. F2011    5
Mention the additional processings which hnRNA needs to undergo after splicing so as to become functional .       D2009, F2012
Describe the process of synthesis of fully functional mRNA in a eukaryotic cell.
How is this process of mRNA synthesis different from that in prokaryotes?A2012    5
When and at what end does the tailing of hnRNA take place? A2009                     1
At which ends do capping and tailing of hnRNA occur, respectively? F 2009      1
Genetic Code
Name the scientist who suggested that the genetic code should be made of a combination of three nucleotides. Explain the basis on which he arrived at this conclusion. D2014   2/3
Mention two functions/ specific features  of codon AUG.  Give the sequence of bases it is transcribed from and its anticodon . D2010. A2009, A2013 (2/3)
How many codons will be there in three codons? How many amino acids will this number of bases code for? F2003
Mention the role of the codons AUG and UGA during protein synthesis   D2011
Three codons on mRNA are not recognized by tRNA , what are they? What is the general term used for them? What is their significance in protein synthesis? F2009
Genetic codes can be universal, unambiguous and specific & degenerate. Write about them, giving one example each. A2013 2+, A2011, F2012, A2008
Identify giving reasons the salient features of genetic code by studying the following nucleotide sequenceofmRNA strand and the polypeptide translated from it
Met- Phe – Ser –Phe – Phe – Ser                                      D2009c
Mention the role of ribosomes in peptide bond formation. How does ATP facilitate it? A2010
Name the scientist who postulated the role of an adaptor in protein synthesis. Name the adaptor molecule. F2008 , F2014  1+
Q .Name the scientist who called tRNA molecule as adaptor molecule.
Draw the cloverleaf structure of a tRNA charged with Methionine(initiator tRNA)/Tyrosine. (F2014   3+)
Anticodon for this amino acid in its correct site (codon for tyrosine is UCA)
What does the actual structure of tRNA look like?   ( F2012)   A2011  3
State the function of following in a prokaryote: tRNA    rRNA      A2012, (F2014  1+)
Name the major types of RNA s and explain their role in the process of protein synthesis in a prokaryote. F2014
Explain the process of translation in a bacterium. F2012
Where does peptide bond formation occur in a bacterial ribosome and how?  F2014    2
How is the translation of mRNA terminated? Explain.      D2009
Name the aminoacid that initiator tRNA gets linked with.Explain the role of initiator tRNA in initiation of protein synthesis.     D2012
What is the function of aminoacyl tRNA synthetase?   D2002
Explain aminoacylation of tRNA.    A2013    1+
Explain the process of charging of tRNA. Why is it essential in translation? D2008
How are translational unit and untranslated regions in mRNA different from each other? A2013 2
Genetic Maps/ DNA polymorphism
Mention the contribution of genetic maps in human genome project. A2011
Mention how does DNA polymorphism arise in a population. D2014      1
Explain DNA polymorphism as the basis of genetic mapping of human genome.
State the role of VNTR in DNA fingerprinting  A2013   2/3

Name the first two steps in DNA Fingerprinting . Describe them briefly. F2002
Explain thesteps of DNA fingerprinting that will help in processing of the two blood samples A and B picked up from the crime scene.   F2009  5

Lac Operon

Describe how the Lac Operon operates, both in the presence and absence of an inducer in E.coli. A 2014 

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